Start Robot framework for macOS
1 min readJan 22, 2023
Automation installation summary
- Install IDE and required components for working automation code
- Install libraries that required to run automation code
- Install driver (browser driver or appium driver) for running automation
Automation Machine Setup For MacOs
- Go to brew
- Copy the install command from ‘install Homebrew’ section
- Paste on Mac terminal and enter
- Verify the brew installation with brew — version in terminal
Robot Framework preparation
pyton 3 installation for mac
- Open Mac terminal
- In terminal, execute the command belew
brew install python3
3. Execute the command below
python3 --version
4. Verify that the command above displays result like this
Python 3.10.9
Robot Framework installation
- create file requirement.txt for setup all libraries that required to run automation code.
- Open terminal and excute the command below
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
3. Verify Robot framework with below command
robot --version
4. Make sure that outout of command above is as follow
Robot Framework 6.0.1 (Python 3.10.9 on darwin)
More infomation about Robot framework plase clike the link